Elect Chapter Officers
SkillsUSA’s Chapter Officer Election Toolkit has been prepared to assist in conducting a SkillsUSA chapter officer election process. It is important to honor the work and commitment of the students applying for chapter office to conduct a process that is fair and equitable for all candidates, and most importantly, identify the candidates that can best serve your local chapter in advancing in quality while engaging all members. The actions described in this guide are suggestions and options based on experiences gathered from chapters. Each chapter may need to adjust or modify the actions presented to fit unique needs or time periods. Each chapter should also be familiar with the state officer election process for their specific state, as they may wish to mimic portions of it.
Included in this toolkit:
Election Types
Election Methods
Evaluation Rubrics
Other Election & Technical Resources
SkillsUSA Advisors, we want YOU to shape our work!
As a SkillsUSA Georgia advisor, your insight is invaluable! As a part of a new initiative to engage career cluster advisors in the advancement of programs, events, and communication, we would like to invite you to apply to serve as a Career Cluster Committee member.
The purpose and role of the Career Cluster Committee are to provide the SkillsUSA Georgia state office and Cluster Chair Board Members with feedback pertaining to cluster area contests, advisor communication, and advisor professional development. Each committee is limited to eight members and must attend two virtual meetings. Further, the members must commit to completing any meeting follow-up work, and bring a positive and solution-based approach to the role.
Champions Rally
The Champions Rally features contests intentionally designed to help your chapter generate recruitment items to jumpstart your chapter's membership. The following contests are held at the Champion's Rally:
Contest Check-In Procedure
Advisors/Students must submit their display during the event check-in at the Georgia National Fair Champions Rally. Entries will remain on display during the Fair.
Career Pathway Display
Chapter members must work together to create a display that accurately represents the career pathway or pathways that are represented in their local school. The display may incorporate multiple career pathways or a singular focus on one career pathway.
Career Pathway Poster
Chapters members must work together to create a poster that accurately represents the career pathway or pathways that are represented in their local school. The poster may incorporate multiple career pathways or a singular focus on one career pathway.
Chapter Recruitment Display
Chapters members must work together to create a display that will be used to recruit new members to join their school’s SkillsUSA chapter. This display should highlight your SkillsUSA Chapter and the things that make it unique. Think about what information would make you want to join your SkillsUSA Chapter.
Chapter Recruitment Poster
Chapters members must work together to create a poster that will be used to recruit new members to join their school’s SkillsUSA chapter. This poster should highlight your SkillsUSA Chapter and the things that make it unique. Think about what information would make you want to join your SkillsUSA Chapter.
SkillsUSA Chapter T-Shirt
Create and produce a SkillsUSA Chapter t-shirt that represents your SkillsUSA Chapter.
The T-shirt must be received by SkillsUSA Georgia by October 2, 2023. Mail T-shirts here.
Champions Rally Contest Password Deadline: September 18, 2023
(Prior to registering for the contest, teachers/advisors/agents must obtain a password by contacting contests@gnfa.com.)
Registration Deadline: September 20, 2023
Contest Registration Deadline: September 20, 2023
CHARGE Officer Series: Episodes 3 & 4
If you’ve already elected Chapter Officers, then check out CHARGE: A SkillsUSA Chapter Officer Video Series.
We are continuing the CHARGE video series this week with an introduction to CHARGE Episodes 3 and 4! At this point, chapter officers should have engaged in team-building activities to build cohesiveness and comfortability as a team and should be familiar with the SkillsUSA Framework. It is encouraged for team building exercises and Framework awareness to continue throughout their year of service.
CHARGE Episode 3 guides chapter officers through their roles and responsibilities within their chapter. Once chapter officer roles are determined it is crucial that officers are familiar with their duties and the duties of others. In the Activity Guide, chapter officers will complete a Personal Mission Statement in which they will answer the following:
What’s important to me as a chapter officer?
What are my biggest chapter officer goals?
What words do I want others to use to describe me during my service?
What impact do I want to leave on my chapter?
Chapter officers will then work as a team to create a shared vision and a Mission Statement for their year of service complete with SMART goals to help their vision come to fruition.
CHARGE Episode 4 is focused on teaching the chapter officers how to utilize the four pillars of leadership to become effective SkillsUSA chapter leaders. The four pillars of leadership include trust, compassion, stability and hope. After watching the short video, the chapter officers can use the Activity Guide to walk through each of the pillars in more detail.
Check back next week for a preview of Episodes 5 & 6 which cover Personal Communication Style and Personal Growth SMART Goals.
Elevate: Chapter Officer Development Conference registration is OPEN!
What is Elevate Conference?
This conference focuses on building successful chapters by equipping officer teams with the skills to lead.
Who is eligible to attend the Elevate Conference?
All officers for your school chapter and/or chapter section. For example: SkillsUSA High School has four program areas that each have their own set of officers for their section and the SkillsUSA High School chapter officers are obtained from the four program areas. All students that are officers for each section are eligible to attend. In turn this means that the SkillsUSA High School chapter officers would be in attendance since they are on the officer teams for each program area section. You must be registered members prior to registering for the Elevate Conference.
When is the Elevate Conference?
October 11, 2023 from 11:30 am - 4:30 pm
When is the Elevate Conference Registration Deadline?
Registration Opens: August 25, 2023 Registration Closes: September 22, 2023
Where is the Elevate Conference?
Elevate is a virtual conference hosted by SkillsUSA National office.
What is the cost of the Elevate Conference?
$10.00 per participant & registrants must be submitted members. Advisors must also register for the conference. Advisors are expected to attend and participate alongside their chapter officers.
Where do I register for the Elevate Conference?
We look forward to welcoming your chapter officers to the Elevate Conference!